Wednesday, March 21, 2012

And Plato lives on in India...

How Plato became Aflatoon in Arabic and the languages east of Arabia is explained in this article, but what is equally fascinating is the fact that "Aflatoon" has taken on a life of its own.

Long before I knew about Plato, Aflatoon meant someone who was hyper, a jack-of-all-trades, someone very quick on the uptake - in my memory, it was used for a kid who couldn't really be controlled, but it wasn't a negative term - equally, it implied brilliance. My Punjabi-English dictionary sort of supports my understanding and says "a clever person".

A search of the internet (I don't have a Hindi or Urdu dictionary at home) though, throws up many more meanings, including:

and a series of meanings given by internet users -  a person who talks about improbable ideas, a conman or a criminal, carefree, naughty, mind-blowing.

But did he -

...really deserve this?

If you want to hear the complete song (6 minutes of what passed for Hindi music in the '90s), here it is.   

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